Herbs for Incense and Magical Use
At Sage Cottage, I've had the pleasure of cultivating a variety of herbs organically in our garden. From this bountiful harvest, I've carefully dried and packaged these herbs to share with fellow enthusiasts.
They are intended for use as offerings to your chosen deity or spirit, or for burning as incense during rituals or meditation sessions. Occult properties of herbs are provided for historical interest, and no outcome is guaranteed.
Please note that these herbs are not to be used for culinary purposes. Even though some of the herbs are well known recipe ingredients, they have not been certified for use in cooking.
Rosemary is traditionally known for its protective properties as well as for clearing negative energy from a space. The aroma of Rosemary is also said to aid memory and brain function. Rosemary can be added to a sleep pillow to help avert nightmares.
As recently as 2019, Rosemary has been reclassified to fall under the family of Sage. Which makes complete sense in regards to Rosemary making excellent smudge sticks. It is also one of the oldest known incenses and can be used as a substitute for the much more expensive Frankincense.
Each 9cm x 13cm pouch contains approximately 10g of herb. Each pouch costs $7.00

Lemon Verbena
Lemon Verbena is traditionally used in spells to help break bad habits. One way to do this is to write on parchment paper a keyword that represents the habit then burn it in incense that includes this herb. Like Rosemary, it can be used to clear a space of negative energy and is also helpful in avoiding nightmares. Its refreshing scent can help you feel at peace and more relaxed.
Each 9cm x 13cm pouch contains approximately 5g of herb. Each pouch costs $7.00

Traditionally Lavender is associated with healing and protection, and is used for clearing a space of bad energy. Hence its inclusion in smudge sticks. The scent of lavender is calming and helps evoke a feeling of relaxation and tranquillity, which in turn can assist with sleep and stress relief. In some spiritual traditions, Lavender is associated with the divine feminine. As such it is used in rituals and ceremonies that honour the goddess. It is also associated with love and happiness. Interestingly, Lavender is part of the Mint family.
Each 9cm x 13cm pouch contains approximately 5g of herb. Each pouch costs $7.00

White Sage
There is a lot of contention about the irresponsible harvesting of White Sage in its native habitat in California. As a result a couple of years ago I secured two small tube stock plants, and managed to nurture them into two lovely shrubs. I respectfully harvest only a few of the stems and leaves at a time, so the stock I have to use in either smudge sticks or loose leaves is limited. I persevere as I’m in love with the beautiful scent it provides when burnt.
Magically, burning sage is known to clear the space of negativity. It is believed to have both protective and healing properties. The scent is also linked to relieving stress and improving sleep.
Each 9cm x 13cm pouch contains approximately 5g of herb. Each pouch costs $18.00

Rose Petals
Some of the magical properties of the rose include love, healing and protection. Traditionally roses are linked to love and beauty and they were the first plant cultivated purely for both its beauty and amazing scent. It is believed that rose petals sprinkled around the outside of the house can help calm personal stress. They can be added to dream pillows to encourage romantic dreams. Use them with candles to attract love. Burn rose petals and use the ashes to cut ties with a former lover. You can use them as an offering to any deity, fairy or other spirit you feel may appreciate them. They will be appreciated by Goddesses like Freya, Lilith, Venus, Aphrodite, Gaia and others.
Each 9cm x 13cm pouch contains approximately 10g of herb. Each pouch costs $10.00